Niche-Relevant Backlinks in 2024: A Complete Guide
What are Niche-Relevant Backlinks? Niche-relevant backlinks come from websites covering the same or similar topics with their content. Topical relevance doesn’t need to be strict, especially for local business websites. You might assume that a local plumber should seek backlinks from other local plumbing websites for niche relevance. However, this is basically impossible, as it …

How Many Backlinks Can You Safely Build Per Month in 2024
Link Velocity and Keeping Your Backlink Profile Looking Natural Before creating backlinks for your site, you need to understand two key concepts to avoid trouble with search algorithms. The first is link velocity, which is the rate at which you acquire backlinks. Google has indexed and analyzed millions of websites, and it’s crucial to maintain …

Backlink Relevance in 2024: Fully Explained
What is Backlink Relevance and Why is It Important? Backlink relevance reflects how closely the website hosting the link (referring domain) and the website it points to (referred domain) are topically related. Google considers backlinks as votes of confidence and uses them, among other factors, to rank content and websites in the SERPs. However, not …

Backlink Footprints: Everything You Need to Know
What are Backlink Footprints? Backlink footprints are patterns created by the links pointing back to your website, consisting of various elements like: While these elements might seem trivial individually, together they begin to paint a comprehensive picture across multiple backlinks of a website, allowing you to reverse-engineer link building strategies. For instance, a website specializing …

SEO Case Study: Word Count Reduction in Existing Articles and Google Rankings
A Little Bit of Context In Jan 2024, I decided to update the content on this website (tomislavhorvat.com). Up until then, the majority of the 120-ish articles were written in 2020 and early 2021. This meant the content was three years old and some information had become outdated. I could no longer 100% stand behind …

SEO Case Study: How Website Design Impacts Backlink Acquisition
Why I Decided it was Time to Redesign My Website I launched this website (tomislavhorvat.com) in early January of 2020, and it remained visually the same with only minor changes since its inception. In January 2024, I decided to completely redesign the website. I did this for four main reasons: 1) The website began as …

SEO Case Study: Acquiring Backlinks Organically with Content Alone
What Type of Content Works Best for Acquiring Backlinks Organically and Why? Content designed to attract backlinks, aka linkable assets, are data-oriented pieces of content such as statistical posts, case studies, tools, calculators, infographics, checklists, etc. They attract backlinks because they are information-dense and require significant effort to produce. For these reasons, linkable assets are …

SEO Case Study: Boosting CTR by 37-640% with Post Title Optimization
I dedicated January of this year (2024) to updating the existing content on my website (tomislavhorvat.com), which included optimizing titles of all the published articles. The results of the title optimization effort were amazing. In this SEO case study, I will showcase 10 articles that saw a CTR boost by anywhere from 37% to 640%. …

Anchor Text in SEO Link Building: Fully Explained
What is Anchor Text? Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink that navigates from one webpage to another. It is typically underlined and colored differently from the surrounding text to indicate a link. Anchor text is crucial for user experience (UX) and search engine optimization (SEO). For users, it provides context about the …

Testimonial Link Building in 4 Easy Steps
What is Testimonial Link Building and Is It Safe? Testimonial link building is a strategy where you provide a positive testimonial for another company’s product or service, hoping they’ll publish it with a backlink to your site. According to FTC guidelines, ensure your testimonials reflect your genuine experiences and opinions, without exaggeration. If you have …