Definitive Facebook Statistics Guide for 2024

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By Tomislav

Key Takeaways

Global Engagement: 37.2% of the world’s population engages with Facebook on a monthly basis.
Usage Time: Facebook is the second-most-used app globally based on total usage time.
Daily Active Users: Daily Active Users (DAUs) stand at 2.064 billion, marking a 5.09% increase year-over-year.
Business Utilization: More than 200 million businesses utilize Facebook apps for their operations.
Mobile Dominance: A significant 81.8% of Facebook’s mobile app users are on Android devices.
User Base and Growth: 3.049 billion people actively used Facebook each month as of the third quarter of 2023.
Video Content: An impressive 140 billion Reels are played daily across various Facebook applications.
Facebook Live: Engagement on live videos on Facebook is 26% higher compared to other platforms.
Advertising Reach: Facebook’s potential advertising reach is an impressive 2.08 billion people.
Mobile Access: A whopping 96% of active Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices.

General Demographics & Usage Statistics

Globally, 37.2% of the world’s population engages with Facebook on a monthly basis.

The app is the second-most-used globally based on total usage time.

Facebook is the preferred social platform among the 35-44 age demographic.

Users spend an average of 19.7 hours a month on Facebook.

A significant 68% of monthly active users log in to Facebook daily.

A significant 81.8% of Facebook’s mobile app users are on Android devices.

Over 1.8 billion people interact with Facebook Groups each month.

More than 200 million businesses utilize Facebook apps for their operations.

Around 70% of users visit local business pages on Facebook at least once a week.

82% of college graduates are active on Facebook.

Globally, 65% of Facebook users are under the age of 35.

The global gender split on Facebook shows 56% male and 44% female users.

Daily Active Users (DAUs) stand at 2.064 billion, marking a 5.09% increase year-over-year.

In 2023, the average daily time spent on Facebook is 30.9 minutes.

Posts published on Thursday and Friday receive the highest engagement.

User Base and Growth

3.049 billion people actively used Facebook each month as of the third quarter of 2023.

The largest Facebook audience by country as of January 2023 is in India with 314 million users.

Demographically, nearly 20% of Facebook’s users are men aged 25-34 years and around 12% are women in the same age group.

The annual growth in Monthly Active Users was an addition of +53 million users (+1.8%).

Daily Active Users saw an annual increase of +77 million users (+3.9%).

Over the year, there was an increase in the advertising audience reach of +108 million users (+5.0%).

Usage Rate and Regional Distribution

The eligible use rate shows that 47.6% of the global population aged 13 and above are on Facebook.

This figure rises to 59.1% when excluding China.

Facebook’s user base is spread across various regions:

  • Caribbean: 13.5 million
  • Central America: 121.0 million
  • Central Asia: 5.8 million
  • Eastern Africa: 46.4 million
  • Eastern Asia: 50.7 million
  • Eastern Europe: 63.0 million
  • Middle Africa: 18.9 million
  • Northern Africa: 107.1 million
  • Northern America: 208.6 million
  • Northern Europe: 58.4 million
  • Oceania: 22.2 million
  • Southeastern Asia: 415.2 million
  • Southern Africa: 29.9 million
  • Southern America: 261.2 million
  • Southern Asia: 496.3 million
  • Southern Europe: 73.2 million
  • Western Africa: 66.1 million
  • Western Asia: 111.1 million
  • Western Europe: 80.8 million

Demographics: Gender, Age, and Device Usage

The audience demographics show a split of 43.2% female and 56.8% male.

The median age of Facebook’s advertising audience is 32 years old.

Age distribution among Facebook users is diverse:

  • Ages 13-17: 109.4 million
  • Ages 18-24: 508.2 million
  • Ages 25-34: 668.5 million
  • Ages 35-44: 425.4 million
  • Ages 45-54: 253.3 million
  • Ages 55-64: 158.7 million
  • Ages 65+: 123.3 million

In terms of device usage as of July 2021: 98.5% accessed Facebook via mobile phone, 16.7% used laptops/desktops, 81.8% exclusively used mobile phones, and 1.5% solely used laptops/desktops.

Revenue and Engagement

There was a -11% quarterly change in ARPU but an annual increase of +0.8%.

ARPU varies by region:

  • United States and Canada: $48.85
  • Europe: $15.51
  • Asia-Pacific: $4.52
  • Rest of the World: $3.35

As of April 2023, the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) on Facebook is $9.62.

Specific Platform Usage & Preferences

70% of internet users are active on at least one Meta platform.

Over 72% of Facebook users also engage with YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

In the United States, 70% of adults use Facebook.

On average, Americans dedicate 30.1 minutes daily to browsing Facebook.

In 2022, Facebook usage constituted 25.7% of the total time U.S. adults spent on social media platforms.

Among Android users in the U.S., Facebook ranks as the third most popular app.

In 2022, Meta’s revenue reached a substantial $116.6 billion.

The average time spent on Facebook amounts to 19.42 hours per month.

31% of American Facebook users regularly turn to the platform for news.

Teen usage of Facebook in the U.S. has declined to 32% in 2022 down from 71% in 2014-2015.

71.43% of U.S. internet users regularly use Facebook.

Only 18% of Americans trust Facebook with their privacy and data.

In 2023, 7% of Gen Z users plan to quit Facebook.

The average Facebook user likes 11 posts every 30 days.

62% of online seniors aged 65+ and 72% between ages 50-64 are on Facebook.

Facebook’s user base includes 88% of online individuals aged 18-29 and 84% of those aged 30-49.

75% of all online users with an income over $75K are on Facebook.

Nearly 90% of Facebook’s daily active users are from outside the US and Canada.

India leads with over 270 million users followed by the US with 190 million. Brazil and Indonesia each have around 120 million users.

Facebook’s Monthly Active Users from Asia are approximately 1 billion.

Europe is home to 387 million Facebook users.

In the U.S., 69% of adults report using Facebook.

74% of individuals with a college degree are on Facebook.

Facebook reaches 60% of all internet users worldwide.

A whopping 96% of active Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices.

57.53% of the world’s active internet users access Facebook monthly; 74.72% access Facebook ‘Family’ services.

Facebook ‘Family’ Daily Active People (DAPs) are 3.14 billion, up 7.17% year-over-year.

Facebook ‘Family’ Monthly Active People (MAPs) total 3.96 billion, a 6.74% increase year-over-year.

Facebook Platform User Accounts include 3.049 billion MAUs and 2.085 billion DAUs (68.38% of MAUs).

The current Daily Active User Growth Rate for Facebook is around 5.1% year-over-year.

Facebook Video Statistics

Videos in a square format receive 35% more views than those in landscape orientation.

The engagement rate for video posts on Facebook Pages from December 2022 to February 2023 was just 0.07%.

An impressive 140 billion Reels are played daily across various Facebook applications.

The introduction of a new AI recommendation model resulted in a 15% increase in the time spent watching Reels.

Facebook Gaming saw 382 million hours of live streaming content in the third quarter of 2022.

A significant 81% of businesses use Facebook for sharing video content.

Facebook experiences over 4 billion video views every single day.

Each day, 100 million hours of video content are watched on Facebook.

An astounding 500 million individuals watch videos on Facebook daily.

The average engagement rate for video posts on Facebook stands at 6.01%.

By mid-2018, Facebook Stories had attracted 150 million users.

Mobile users account for 65% of all video views on Facebook.

85% of Facebook users prefer watching videos with the sound turned off.

Videos native to Facebook garner 478% more shares than videos from other sources.

An overwhelming 90% of Facebook pages now utilize native Facebook videos.

If a viewer watches the first 3 seconds of a video, there’s a 65% chance they will continue watching for at least 10 seconds.

The average watch time for Facebook videos is benchmarked at 10 seconds.

Only 1.2% of Facebook videos achieve the milestone of over a million views.

Longer videos on Facebook are showing increasingly better performance.

Facebook accounted for 25% of all video ad spending in the US in 2018.

A dominant 87% of social network video ad spending in the US goes to Facebook.

Over two-thirds of US marketers utilize Facebook for their video advertising campaigns.

63% of US marketers planned to boost their spending on Facebook video ads in 2018.

83% of US marketers believe in the effectiveness of Facebook video ads in driving purchases.

Facebook’s global video advertising revenue was projected to hit $9.6 billion by 2021.

47% of consumers most frequently watch video ads on Facebook.

71% of consumers find video ads on Facebook to be relevant or highly relevant.

Marketers spend 20 times more on TV ads than on Facebook videos to reach just twice the audience.

Views of branded video content on Facebook soared by 258% between 2016 and 2017.

Branded videos from media companies attract 2.5 times more views than those from influencers, with entertainment being the most popular genre.

On average, Facebook video ads cost just 10% of the price of carousel or single image ads.

47% of the total value of a Facebook video ad campaign is generated in the first three seconds.

Mobile-optimized Facebook videos increase brand awareness to 67%.

Video ads on Facebook that are longer than 15 seconds face significantly higher abandonment rates.

Brand recall is 23% higher when the brand is featured in the first 3 seconds of Facebook video ads.

Facebook users watch ads five times longer when they are intentionally consuming video content.

Users aged 18-24 devote 75% more attention to Facebook video ads compared to those over 65.

Facebook video ads with captions see an average 12% increase in viewing time.

Mid-roll calls to action in videos have the highest average conversion rate at 16.95%.

Videos are gaining popularity on Facebook, now making up about 11% of all posts.

84% of video marketers have utilized Facebook as a video channel.

76% of video marketers plan to include Facebook in their 2020 video marketing strategy.

For video content, the typical engagement rate for page fans with posts stands at a mere 0.07%.

Facebook Live Statistics

Engagement on live videos on Facebook is 26% higher compared to other platforms.

35% of video marketers have utilized Facebook Live as a broadcasting channel.

A notable 74% of those who have used Facebook Live report success in their endeavors.

In 2018, the total count of Facebook Live broadcasts soared to 3.5 billion.

The daily viewing duration for Facebook Live broadcasts saw a remarkable fourfold increase within a single year.

The most successful Facebook Live videos typically run between 15 to 20 minutes in length.

Facebook Live videos generate 6 times more interactions than standard videos.

When it comes to comments, Facebook Live videos attract 10 times more than regular videos.

Users spend three times longer watching live videos on Facebook compared to pre-recorded content.

The search popularity for Facebook Live surged by an impressive 330% in just a year.

In 2018, a staggering 91% of businesses turned to Facebook Live for their broadcasting needs.

Already this year, one-third of video marketers have embraced Facebook Live.

Only 1% of companies engage in daily live video sharing.

24% of businesses consider live videos highly effective.

Among Facebook Live broadcasters, 76% focus on streaming live events.

70% of marketers use Facebook Live to tap into new audiences.

For 90% of users, the quality of the video is the most crucial aspect of Facebook Live.

A dominant 92% of videos on Facebook are native to the platform.

On average, Facebook Live videos receive 101,362 engagements.

Facebook Live videos garner 165% more comments than on-demand videos.

The average share count for Facebook Live videos stands at 11,314.

Since its inception in 2016, the number of Facebook Live broadcasts has doubled year over year.

Verified publisher Pages have seen a 1.5 times increase in daily average broadcasts.

Facebook reports that 1 in every 5 of its videos is a Live broadcast.

85% of Facebook users prefer to watch videos without sound.

Over 50% of Facebook live video viewers are on Android devices.

32% of video marketers are planning to incorporate Facebook Live into their strategies.

An astounding 100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook daily.

Facebook experiences over 8 billion average daily video views.

Facebook Images Statistics

Images lead in engaging users with a notable interaction rate of 0.12%.

For Facebook Pages, the engagement rates for photo posts between December 2022 and February 2023 stood at 0.13%.

The type of posts garnering the highest engagement are photo posts, achieving an engagement rate of 0.12%.

An impressive 147,000 photos find their way onto Facebook every single minute.

Daily, Facebook sees a staggering 350 million photos uploaded. This breaks down to about 14.58 million photos every hour, 243,000 photos every minute, and a rapid 4,000 photos every second.

Photos constitute 18% of all posts shared on Facebook.

Facebook Stories Statistics

500 million individuals engage with Facebook Stories every day, showcasing the feature’s immense popularity.

Across all Facebook applications, a staggering 1 billion Stories are shared by users each day, highlighting the widespread appeal of this format.

Looking at future engagement, a significant 62% of users in the United States express their intention to increase their consumption of Facebook Stories.

Facebook Marketing Statistics

The average revenue generated from each Facebook user stands at $11.23.

An overwhelming 98.5% of Facebook users access the platform via mobile devices.

For the year 2023, Facebook’s ad revenue is estimated to reach a staggering $118.96 billion.

Between December 2022 and February 2023, Facebook Page Engagement Rates for Link Posts stood at a modest 0.03%.

The global advertising audience size on Facebook is 2.249 billion.

This advertising audience represents 75.3% of the total user base.

Breaking down the Engagement Rate by Page Size:

  • Pages with less than 10,000 fans: 0.32%
  • Pages with 10,000 to 100,000 fans: 0.21%
  • Pages with more than 100,000 fans: 0.05%

On average, a Facebook Page posts 1.68 times per day.

The typical engagement rate for a post on a Facebook Page is 0.07%.

Each week, 1 billion users message a business across Facebook’s family of apps.

People are 53% more likely to purchase from a business they can message directly.

A significant 54.9% of Facebook users engage in following or researching brands and products on the platform.

Facebook dominates social media web traffic referrals, accounting for 71.64% of all such traffic.

In the first half of 2022, Facebook removed 5,057,300 pieces of content due to copyright, trademark, or counterfeit issues.

The average price for Facebook ads decreased by 18% in the third quarter of 2022.

By 2024, Facebook’s ad revenue is expected to grow to a remarkable $75.11 billion.

Facebook’s potential advertising reach is an impressive 2.08 billion people.

Facebook ads can reach 33.3% of the global population over the age of 13.

The audience for Facebook ads is predominantly male, making up 56.4% of the total.

In Southeast Asia, 18.7% of Facebook’s ad audience is located.

40% of Facebook advertisers utilize the Click-to-Messaging ad format.

The median Engagement Rate on Facebook stands at 0.060%.

In the realm of Conversational Commerce, there’s a 53% higher likelihood of shopping from a business that can be messaged.

Facebook Shops boast over 1 million monthly global users.

In the U.S., 19% of shoppers begin their product searches on Facebook.

Marketers can reach an audience of 2.249 billion users through Facebook advertising.

The potential audience for Facebook Reels ads is a massive 697.1 million users.

Ad Impressions from Reels constituted 3.3% of the total in 2022.

Facebook’s average Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Conversion Rate (CVR) are 0.9% and 9.21%, respectively.

In the U.S., Facebook ads can reach 63.7% of the population aged 13 and above.

On average, a Facebook user clicks on 12 ads per month.

Facebook is utilized by over 7 million advertisers worldwide.

A whopping 93% of marketers regularly use Facebook for advertising.

Images contribute to 75-90% of the effectiveness or performance of Facebook advertising.

Instagram generates 20% of Facebook’s mobile ad revenue.

The Average CPC for Facebook Ads is $1.86, with an average CTR of 0.9% and an Average CPM of $11.20.

Facebook holds a 19.7% share in the global digital advertising market.

Facebook’s potential reach for advertising is around 1.9 billion individuals.

35% of marketers report success with influencer campaigns on Facebook.

The average engagement rate for Facebook posts is 3.6%.

The average organic reach for a Facebook post is 5.5%, a decline of 2.2% from the previous year.

There are over 60 million active business Pages on Facebook.

75% of brands opt to pay for post promotion.

Adding a Call-To-Action (CTA) button can increase the click-through rate by 2.85 times.

40% of Facebook users don’t follow any brand pages, making paid adverts the only way to reach them.

Posts published on Thursdays and Fridays receive the highest engagement.

86% of U.S. marketers utilize Facebook for their advertising needs.

78% of American consumers have discovered retail products to buy via Facebook.

Globally, more than 80 million small businesses use Facebook Pages.

Random Interesting & Fun Statistics

Over 50% of the news feed content for U.S. users on Facebook comes from friends and people they follow as of the fourth quarter of 2022.

Almost 17% of their news feed content is unrelated to their connections.

The most popular pages on Facebook include LADbible, UNILAD, Lessons Learned in Life, along with numerous accounts focused on recipes and pets.

Current trends show a growing focus on Facebook Stories and native Facebook video content.

Approximately 15% of content in Facebook Feeds is recommended by AI from accounts users don’t follow.

It’s projected that 37% of Facebook users will make purchases on the platform in 2023.

In the U.S., 19% of consumers begin their online shopping journey on Facebook.

The average Facebook Page in the retail sector receives about 974,000 impressions monthly.

Facebook dominates over 45% of monthly social media visits.

Every month, Facebook pages receive a whopping 5 billion comments.

The Facebook like button has been hit an astonishing 1.13 trillion times.

42% of customer service responses on Facebook occur within the first hour.

Every minute, Facebook sees 317,000 status updates, 400 new users, 147,000 photos uploaded, and 54,000 links shared.

In a span of 20 minutes, 1 million links are shared, 20 million friend requests are sent, and 3 million messages are exchanged.

Daily, there are 55 million status updates made on Facebook.

Facebook supports 101 languages, with over 300,000 users aiding in translation.

Facebook-owned apps have been downloaded a combined 16 billion times.

Over the past decade, Facebook itself has been downloaded an impressive 4.6 billion times.

The most followed individual on Facebook is Cristiano Ronaldo, with a massive 122 million subscribers.

36% of top stories on Facebook revolve around politics.

Facebook has about 120 million fake users.

87% of coworkers use Facebook to connect with each other.

Link posts receive 76% less engagement than videos on average.

In the fourth quarter of 2022, Facebook removed 1.5 billion fake accounts.

The countries with the most Facebook users are India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico.

The peak times for Facebook traffic are Wednesday at 9 am and 1 pm.

An overwhelming 98.5% of Facebook accounts are accessed via mobile phones.

The Facebook Family Product Metrics include stand-alone platform users from Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

In terms of Facebook Mobile vs. Desktop Usage, the statistics cover Mobile Device Users, Mobile Only Users, Desktop and Mobile Users, and Desktop Only Users.

As of Sept 2023, Meta employed 66,185 people.

Facebook ranks as the 7th most valuable brand globally. is the third-most-visited website worldwide.